Mr. Buffett has been kind enough to allow me to use his comments about my book publicly. However, this should not be considered an endorsement of any of my other work.
“There just appeared a superb book by cardiologist Robert M. Doroghazi entitled The Physician’s Guide to Investing: A Practical Approach to Building Wealth, and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in preserving and growing a dollar bill… I highly recommend this book! Bob Doroghazi is a wise man who will retire from practice at age 54”.(1)
William Clifford Roberts, M.D.
Editor in Chief The American Journal of Cardiology
“Dr. Doroghazi is a credentialed physician, a respected cardiologist, and a gifted writer addressing a crucial issue on the finances of physicians…This book should be on the same shelf with Gray’s Anatomy, Robbins and Cotran’s Pathological Basis of Disease ,and Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutics”.(3)
Edward T. Creagan, M.D.
It is a “beautifully written book”.
Harry M. Markowitz
Nobel Prize in Economics, 1990